Concrete Restoration
Restauro R3

- High mechanical strength
- Great thixotropy
- Anti-shrinkage
- Applicable in thickness between 10 and 40 mm for structural rehabilitation and greater than 5 mm for the rehabilitation of the concrete cover in situation localized
- Manually and mechanically applicable
Restauro R3 is a single-component, ready-to-use, grey-coloured cementitious mortar, based on a mixture of special cements, selected aggregates, synthetic resins, fibres and specific additives. After mixing with water, the result is a mixture with excellent workability, excellent thixotropy, easy to apply vertically and on the ceiling in thickness up to 4 cm per coat without problems of dripping. A slight expansion both in the plastic phase and in the post-hardening phase makes it possible to compensate for hydraulic shrinkage, with a considerable increase in the final adhesion characteristics, while avoiding cracking. Its excellent water retention reduces the risk of “burning” in the case of application at low thickness (which must not be less than 10 mm) and, with appropriate attention, even in critical climatic conditions (summer temperatures and ventilation); in this case, however, it is necessary to take appropriate precautions (avoid direct exposure to the sun, mix with cold water, apply the product preferably during cooler hours and little sunshine, etc.). The presence of special flexible polymers gives the mortar excellent adhesion to the substrate. Specific additives make the hardened mortar impermeable to water and resistant to CO2penetration. Restauro R3 is a product for the structural repair of concrete structures by means of hydraulic mortar of PCC type and class R3 according to EN 1504-3.
- Volumetric restoration of concrete structures degraded by carbonation or other types of degradation, provided that the structures have not suffered major structural failure; if very high mechanical strength is required, use Strutturale, Restauro R4 or Colabile instead.
- Reconstruction of the concrete cover of structures subject to mechanical stresses and deformations during operation, for example, pillars, beams, retaining walls, viaducts and bridges.
- Renovation of balcony fronts, steps, parapets, and stringcourses.
- Protective coating of irrigation channels and other hydraulic works in reinforced concrete.
Color | Code | Packaging | Packaging size | Pallet | Barcode |
5524 | bag | 25 kg | 50 bags |