Concrete Restoration

- High mechanical strength
- Excellent rheological properties
- Anti shrinkage
- Anti bleeding and anti sedimentation
Colabile is a ready-to-use, fiber-reinforced, gray-colored mortar based on high-strength special cements, selected aggregates and special additives. Its self-levelling power makes it possible to carry out repairs and volumetric reinstatements in large thicknesses by pouring into formworks, achieving perfect and fast filling without the need for vibration. A slight expansion in both the plastic and post-hardening phases makes it possible to compensate for shrinkage by ensuring perfect plugging of every interstice with considerable improvement in final adhesion characteristics, while avoiding cracking. The mortar, although fluid, is cohesive and does not undergo phenomena of component separation. It guarantees high mechanical properties with particular reference to flexural strength, an important parameter for workmanlike repairs of reinforced concrete. Colabile is a structural repair product for concrete structures by means of hydraulic mortar of type PCC and class R4 according to EN 1504-3, in addition Colabile is a mortar with excellent resistance to penetration of chloride ions, determined according to EN 13396.
Colabile is ideal in construction engineering for repairing damaged beams, columns and string courses, where casting in formwork is recommended. It can be used to good advantage to repair thick fronts, ledges and parapets by casting in formwork and for volume restoration of damaged floor slabs and decking. It can also be used for anchorage and placement of lightweight structures and machinery, taking into account the time taken to develop the mechanical strength required to support the structure or machine under working conditions. Using the UNI EN 1504-9 classification, Colabile is suitable for Repair Principle 3 (Concrete Restoration), Repair Principle 4 (Structural Strengthening) and Repair Principle 7 (Preserving or restoring passivity) applications using Method 3.1 (Applying mortar by hand), Method 4.4 (Adding mortar or concrete) and Method 7.1 (Increasing cover to reinforcement with additional cementitious mortar or concrete).
Color | Code | Packaging | Packaging size | Pallet | Barcode |
6300 | bag | 25 kg | 50 bags |