Concrete Restoration
Restauro Pittura
Smooth anti-carbonation paint specifically for concrete.

- Anti CO
- Uniforming
- Protective
- Paint based on acrylic copolymers in water emulsion, micronised charges, water-repellent additives, inorganic pigments stable to light;
- Restauro Pittura is designed for protection against carbonation of indoor and outdoor concrete structures and surfaces;
- Protective against the risks of CO2 penetration, CE marked product in compliance with UNI EN 1504- 2;
- White and colours can be achieved with the tintometric system;
- Concrete surfaces and new cementitious plaster;
- Concrete surfaces and cementitious plaster already painted or partially deteriorated;
Price Class | Color | Code | Packaging | Packaging size | Pallet | Barcode |
8232 | bucket | 15l | 33 buckets |
Sample |
8277 | bucket | 1 l | 216 buckets |
PC I |
8273 | bucket | 15l | 33 buckets |
8274 | bucket | 15l | 33 buckets |
8275 | bucket | 15l | 33 buckets |
PC ⬗ |
8276 | bucket | 15l | 33 buckets |